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  1. Khitrov, M. Y., S. Laxminarayan, D. Thorsley, S. Ramakrishnan, S. Rajaraman, N. J. Wesensten, and J. Reifman. PC-PVT: a platform for psychomotor vigilance task testing, analysis, and prediction. Behavior Research Methods. 2014 March; 46(1):140-147. (PubMed ID: 23709163)
  2. Reifman, J., K. Kumar, M. Y. Khitrov, J. Liu, and S. Ramakrishnan. PC-PVT 2.0: An updated platform for psychomotor vigilance task testing, analysis, prediction, and visualization. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2018 July 1; 304:39-45. (PubMed ID: 29679703)